
With hajoona Harmony you can rebalance your body and recharge your batteries with the new star of phytology!


Available in 2-4 business days


The key to making your cells happy!

hajoona Harmony boasts maximum quality and natural purity in one. The unique formula combines lots of vegan omega-3 fatty acids derived from Ahifl ower® oil with high-dosage DHA extracted from Schizochytrium sp. microalgae, which is grown in Europe. Enhanced with vitamin D from pine bark and blackcurrant seed oil (a source of even more valuable, unsaturated fatty acids), our eff ective, natural product off ers incomparable support for
your health.


Lactose free

Vegan Logo hajoona Harmony


Gluten free


hajoona Kosher


GMO free

We subject ourselves and our products to the highest standards, which is why we collaborate with a selection of highly renowned partners who frequently assess our work and guarantee that we live up to our high standards. Consisting of researchers from the Universities of Heidelberg and Milan, our scientific advisory board is of the utmost importance and advises us on the development and composition of our formulas. Once developed, each of our products undergoes multiple stringent quality controls before moving on to high-precision filling and packaging in line with the most stringent hygiene regulations, which is confirmed by the independent Institut Prof. Dr. Georg Kurz with the awarding of the popular Kurz seal. And our membership in the leading industry association for dietary supplements, NEM e.V., also obliges us to ensure consistent, high product quality. The Cologne List has evaluated all of our products and found them to be safe, which is especially important for athletes.
hajoona Harmony Frau
Every person is unique.
Ahiflower hajoona Harmony
Compositionper daily dose
(20 ml)
% NRV*
Ahiflower® Samenöl2550 mg**
davon Omega-3-Fettsäuren
Alpha-Linolensäure (ALA)1110 mg**
Stearidonsäure (SDA)500 mg**
davon Omega-6-Fettsäuren
Gamma-Linolensäure (GLA)165 mg**
DHA aus Algenöl500 mg**
Vitamin D25 μg500 %
Ocean Gold (natürliche Meerwassermineralsole, konzentriert)32,2 mg**

* Nutrient Reference Values / Prozentsatz der Nährstoffbezugswerte (NRV) gem. EU-Verordnung 1169/2011
** keine NRV vorhanden


Zutaten: Raffiniertes Öl aus Buglossoides (Ahiflower®), DHA- und EPA-reiches Öl aus der Mikroalge Schizochytrium sp., Sonnenblumenöl, Johannisbeerkernöl, natürliches Aroma, Vitamin D

Consumption recommendation:

Täglich einen Teelöffel (5 ml) verzehren, Schwangere und Stillende einen halben Teelöffel (2,5 ml). Angebrochene Flasche im Kühlschrank lagern und innerhalb von 30 Tagen aufbrauchen. Die angegebene empfohlene tägliche Verzehrsmenge darf nicht überschritten werden. Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Dient nicht als Ersatz für eine ausgewogene und abwechslungsreiche Ernährung sowie eine gesunde Lebensweise.

No added sugar. All sugars listed are derived from the ingredients in the product.

We hereby expressly distance ourselves from all statements or healing promises (including those made by our team partners) that concern our products. In general, health claims made on foods are prohibited unless they are approved by the European Commission. All statements made here have been adapted to the so-called “Health Claims Regulation” and comply with current legislation. We would like to provide our prospective customers with more detailed information on the products, their ingredients, and their effects by referring to sources and completed studies, but for the above-mentioned reason we must also make customers aware of alternative information options. We recommend books by independent doctors, naturopaths and professionals.

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The quickest way to reset your body!